Harry Mok is currently acting in Paul Kyriazi's ambitious new sci-fi film FORBIDDEN POWER, one of many projects Mok has collaborated with Kyriazi on. Mok, a highly proficient martial artist, began his career performing stunts in independent films, later working on UNCOMMON VALOR (1983) and RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD, PART II (1985). He also co-wrote and co-produced the horror film THE VINEYARD (1989), and from the mid 90s starting helming music videos, including the first ever Jimi Hendrix music video. Mok is also one of the executive producers of the new animated feature ANIMAL CRACKERS, featuring the voices of Sylvester Stallone, Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, and Danny De Vito. I spoke to him about his career and new projects.
When you were growing
up, what films did you love the most?
I loved the Spaghetti
Westerns with Clint Eastwood and the old Kung Fung fu movies my mom
would take me to go watch.
What got you interested
in the martial arts?
I started doing lion
dancing when I was young and martial arts followed right along with
How has martial arts
and training changed your life?
It keeps me agile and
fit and I have learned how to utilize healing techniques while
becoming a very strong-minded person.
Was it important to you
to study more than one martial art?
It was very important
for me to study multiple martial arts styles. Whereas Kung Fu taught
me how to do incredible forms, Kajukembo taught me how to fight
competitively and learn great sparring and self defense techniques.
How did you get your
start in the movie business?
I got my break working
on some independent films and soon after that I worked on UNCOMMON
VALOR starring Gene Hackman. That was followed by RAMBO; FIRST BLOOD,
PART II starring Sylvester Stallone and I went on to star in several
action films. Thereafter I was able to produce my own film, THE
How did you get the
idea for THE VINEYARD?

What is your favorite
memory of working on the stunts for RAMBO II?
Stallone hired me
personally for the movie and my greatest memory was when he told me
''Do what you feel, because it will come from your heart. If anybody
tells you anything different, tell them to go fuck themselves and
that I told you to say that. ''
How was working with
Stallone is an absolute
genius, he knows exactly what he wants to see on camera and spends a
lot of time directing himself. I am very glad to say that Stallone is
in my animated feature ANIMAL CRACKERS, to be released in 2018.
Did you have designs on
becoming an actor when you were young?
After watching my first
Bruce Lee movie back in 1971 I realized I wanted to be like Bruce Lee
and make movies.
What did you enjoy the
most about working with Paul Kyriazi on NINJA BUSTERS? You
continued to
collaborate with him on THE VINEYARD and some on his audio books, and
now THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM. Why do you think you work together so
Paul has a great vision
as to what he wants to see on screen. He is very easy to work with
and very open for suggestions which makes it easy to get along with
him very well.
What was the most
enjoyable aspect of making FORBIDDEN POWER, and reuniting with Paul?
The traveling and
meeting new people and taking on the challenges was the most
enjoyable aspect. I had a great time playing the part of Chang and
felt that I did not let Paul down.
How was returning to
acting after a long break?
I was a little nervous
at first but after rehearsing my role it was like getting back on a
bicycle, like second nature.
Which of your
collaborators have you learned from the most?
Back in the mid-80s I
had auditioned for THE KARATE KID, PART II (1986) and I received the part,
but shortly thereafter I was called and told that the part had
already been cast by the director in Hawaii. I was canceled from the
show. I remembered that as I had been walking back from the audition
office, I had met a fellow stunt person who asked what I was doing. I
knew him fairly well so I told him I had just done an audition and
won a part. He showed no emotion and I later realised it was him who
had stabbed me in the back and lost me the part. I was so devastated
and I said to myself ''I will never allow this to happen to me
again''. That is when I became a producer making my own films.
Which of the fight
scenes you have worked on are you the most proudest of?
As long as I’m
fighting on screen I’m having a great time. I enjoyed fighting with
Billy Blanks on TALONS OF THE EAGLE (1992). I really enjoyed working on
FORBIDDEN POWER. If we’re fortunate to see a sequel and Chang
returns, he will be very very devastating.
You have directed
numerous music videos. What do you enjoy the most and least about
directing them? Which ones do you feel the most proudest of?
I enjoy the rush of
having to get them done within two weeks, although we always ran into
Murphy’s Law that would kick us in the backend pretty hard
sometimes. I produced and directed and wrote some great music videos.
One that I am very proud of you is the first ever Jimi Hendrix music
video, which won two awards.
Do you enjoy working
in different capacities?
It started off by
necessity to maintain myself within the film industry when work
became few and far between. Today it has become second nature to me
to work in multiple capacities.
How did you get
involved with the animated feature ANIMAL CRACKERS?
Scott Sava and I go
back 28 years and when he told me he wanted to turn one of his
children’s books into an animated feature I told him I would help
him raise the money and that is exactly what I did. Scott produced,
directed and wrote the movie.
What projects do you
have coming up?
I want to get another
one of my own films off the ground entitled Lion Dance. After that we
have another animated feature film entitled PET ROBOTS, and possibly
a sequel to FORBIDDEN KINGDOM with Paul.
Interview by Paul Rowlands. Copyright © Paul Rowlands, 2018. All rights reserved.
Interview by Paul Rowlands. Copyright © Paul Rowlands, 2018. All rights reserved.
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